A cinephile in the making…

Longtime readers of Filmjourney.org may have noticed a decisive lag in posts of late, and the reason is quite simple: my first child, Alexandra Anne Cummings, entered the world two weeks ago, and has been pretty greedy with my time. But we’re settling into a life pattern and the blogging here should resume with more frequency shortly. (Expect a lot of DVD reviews for a few months!)

In the meantime, enjoy Robert Koehler’s exciting posts (as time permits) from the Guadalajara International Film Festival, and feel free to check out a series of short posts on animation I’m publishing over at Beyond magazine this week, an Utne-nominated indie publication I’m very proud to be associated with. I’m looking forward to introducing Alex to as many of these films as possible over the ensuing years.

And as always, feel free to post any comments or questions on the discussion board…

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