New Robert Bresson Bibliography

I’m always proud of the resources Trond Trondsen and I provide at, and our latest project–years in the making–is an exclusive online Bresson Bibliography that uses Jane Sloan’s 1983 out-of-print bibliography and Shmuel Ben-Gad’s recent bibliographies as a starting point.

As we note on the page: “Users who want to correct or extend the bibliography, or report dead links, are invited to send their comments to Frank Blaakmeer. If you do, and if you agree, your name will be added to the list of contributors at the bottom of the bibliography and the community of Bresson scholars and aficionados will be sincerely grateful.”


  1. Ha–now that would be a project. I’d be happy if we could simply start getting new translations of his work in English. (Starting with the complete What is Cinema?)

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