Bernardo Rondeau at LACMA

I’m still trying to post some reviews from AFI FEST, but my baby has been in the hospital for “minor” surgery this week and everything else has been put to the side.

In the meantime, I was able to attend a few Festival screenings with the LACMA film program coordinator Bernardo Rondeau, which became a highlights of my Festival experience, and he has just posted a “Best of AFI” write-up at the LACMA blog, Unframed.

Los Angeles is famous for its diversity and dispersal, and while its film culture doesn’t benefit from the kind of concentrated public transit and integrated community of, say, New York City, it is home to many dedicated cinephiles who are less interested in the Hollywood machine than the latest art house screenings that flitter through our network of indie theaters. Bernardo and LACMA’s film program director Ian Birnie consistently provide one the city’s oases of film culture.

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