While snooping around the Facets Multi-Media website, I stumbled across an announcement for their August 19 special edition video rerelease of The Decalogue (1987), Krzysztof Kieslowski‘s masterly film series originally made for Polish TV and subsequently made famous through its appearances at film festivals around the world. It’s a collection of ten, one-hour films based loosely on the ethical precepts of the Ten Commandments, and the films are noted for their striking cinematography, nuanced performances, and gripping dramaturgy.
The original DVD/VHS from Facets (released in 2001) has been out-of-print for some time and regularly sells for high prices on internet auctions. In addition to a better video transfer and improved subtitles, the 3-disc reissue promises to include:
ïAn onscreen preface by Roger Ebert
ïAn extensive interview with Kieslowski
ïA visit to the set
ïAn appreciation of Kieslowski by colleagues and collaborators
ïAn accompanying booklet with notes by Kieslowski
ïA recent interview with co-screenwriter Krzysztof Piesiewicz
Facets has set up a fairly extensive website for the release, so even though we’ve got a couple months before its debut, I thought I’d pass the info along.