Photo by Piotr Jaxa.
Well, the latest issue of everyone’s favorite film journal is up, Senses of Cinema, No. 27. Published in Melbourne, Australia, it specializes in “serious and eclectic discussion of cinema” and contains a few years worth of challenging, invigorating essays. Visit the archives and enjoy.
This particular issue includes a career retrospective I wrote on the late Polish filmmaker Krzysztof Kieslowski, a typically fine summation of Greek filmmaker Theo Angelopoulos by Strictly Film School‘s Acquarello (an ongoing participant in our Discussions), daily reports from the 52nd Melbourne International Film Festival, a variety of commentary on the work of Steven Spielberg, Nicholas Ray, Orson Welles, Katherine Hepburn, and much more.
Finally, I’d also like to announce a fairly extensive overhaul of Masters of Cinema, a project established between myself, Trond Trondsen, Jan Bielawski, and Nick Wrigley. The idea is to collate our various websites devoted to the work of our favorite master filmmakers: Robert Bresson, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Yasujiro Ozu, and Andrei Tarkovsky. The site also provides general information about other major international filmmakers whose work could use greater popular visibility. Check it out, enjoy the news and links, and send in your questions, comments, and suggestions!