Film strips

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Welcome to the newly hyphenated Film Journey domain—previously now

This blog began in 2003 and continued fairly regularly until 2008, when my daughter was born. I sporadically updated it after that, mainly with Robert Koehler’s excellent contributions. It essentially ceased in 2015 when I entered grad school. It’s now an archive of more than 500 articles on moviegoing in the aughts. Despite surviving the digital turn, post-9/11 austerity, the demise of the alternative weeklies, and The Great Recession, film criticism in 2015 seemed more like a hobby—or idealistic exercise in precarious labor—than a viable career. Today I funnel my cinephilia into research and teaching.

As a doctoral candidate at UCLA, I am currently writing my dissertation on Los Angeles repertory venues and communities that existed between 2001 and 2020. Many of these groups you will find mentioned in the archives of this website. But there were many more that I still want to document. So if you organized, or participated in, or even heard about a repertory film community of any kind during this period—especially in less-represented eastern or southern Los Angeles—please drop me a line. I would be delighted to talk with you at

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