Netflix and TiVo

Is popular access to a wider selection of videos on the brink of its latest success? Would this include all of Netflix’s DVDs or just the ones they think are important? And what would the quality be?

TiVo, Netflix Close to Internet Movie Deal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Online DVD renter Netflix Inc. and television recorder maker TiVo Inc. are close to a deal to allow Netflix subscribers to download movies over the Internet to their TiVo devices, according to the latest issue of Newsweek magazine.

Newsweek, citing an anonymous source close to the talks, said the deal could be approved by TiVo’s board of directors this week. Shares of TiVo and Netflix, both of which recently hit 52-week lows on concerns about their growth prospects, each surged 16 percent.

A Netflix spokeswoman said there was no relationship at this point between the two companies, but declined to comment on the accuracy of the Newsweek report. TiVo could not be immediately reached for comment.

Such a service would require subscriptions to both Netflix and TiVo, as well as a broadband Internet connection. TiVo’s current service allows the recording of broadcast TV programs, while Netflix delivers DVDs through the mail.