Committed Cinema: The Films of Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne


I’m very proud to announce the September publication of Bert Cardullo’s Committed Cinema: The Films of Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne; Essays and Interviews, which includes two pieces that I wrote. You can pre-order and preview the book at Amazon or at Cambridge Scholars Publishing, who describe it as “the first book in English to treat the work of the Dardennes, [which] features the best essays and interviews (supplemented by a chronology, a filmography, film credits, and a bibliography) published to date on the two brothers’ memorable films.”

Cardullo is a longtime critic and scholar currently teaching in Izmar, Turkey; I’ve been particularly indebted to the excellent translations found in his 1997 Bazin at Work, which offers a lot of Bazin’s writing that was previously unavailable in English.

The CSP site offers a PDF of the Table of Contents, Cardullo’s Preface, and the first two essays by Jonathan Rosenbaum and Mike Bartlett (the other essayists are myself, Emilie Bickerton, Robin Wood, Cardullo, and David Walsh). I’m looking forward to reading the full collection.

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